Service hour
- Monday 7.00 - 16.30
- Tuesday 7.00 - 16.30
- Wednesday 7.00 - 16.30
- Thursday 7.00 - 16.30
- Friday 7.00 - 16.30
- Saturday 7.00 - 16.30
- Sunday 7.00 - 16.30
Oxygen Analyzer Installation, Maintenance and Cathodic Protection Anti Corrosion Solution
Supply, Installation and Maintenance of
- Oxygen Analyzer installation and Maintenance
- Cathodic protection for Ges line high wotage cable hangers
- Painting of Exposed (epoxy paint)
- Instalation of H2S measurement & guarding system at the biogas plant of WWTP (inlet and outlet of biogas scrubber and a controller witha redundant tie to provide feedback)
- Installation of H2S gas guarding system on op of the reactor; and on the biogas scrubber and treatment
- Instalation of Automatic Condensate Purging unit on NG supply line
- Insaliation of CH4 leakage detection; gas fire/flame detection and CH4 Guarding Systems at the Biogas plant (WWTP), Boiler and Generator plants areas where ‘Biogas/Natural Gas is used or generated